Anxiety Attacks Treatment Options; Which Is The Best?

If you are searching for anxiety attacks treatment options for anxiety attacks it is very likely that you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks which could be having a severe disruptive impact on your life, besides the enormous difficulties these maladies inject into just getting through the day and are severely limiting to every day social events.

I know all too well how bad it can feel when you are suffering with anxiety, as a constant partner to your every daily event. This pervasive anxiety and sense that you are just about to explode with anxiety - feeling edgy most of the time, sweaty, pulse racing that you think you must be about to have a heart attack, and as for being in crowds, malls and the subway, well that is almost impossible.

What I want to share with you now are some of the anxiety treatment options that have been found to be helpful and what I have found that people have used to manage their levels of anxiety so they can function daily.

Energy Therapies

Many people use energy therapies as their first port of call, because they are easy to apply and there are a variety of self-help aids and methods that can be used as a way to overcome anxiety. They often supplement these with meditation, relaxation and massage as they feel that anxiety is largely about energy trapped inside of them, and if this energy could be moved via EFT, then they would be able to feel a lot better. Consequently, EFT is one of the treatment options looked to for addressing anxiety.

Visit To The Doctor's Office

If you're suffering from anxiety and things are getting on top of you, you may consider a visit to your doctor. This is a useful step as your doctor is likely to supplement your own efforts at managing your anxiety levels and panic attack feelings with medication.

A short course of tranquilizers may be all you need to get control of these disruptive feelings. You need not be too negative to the use of medication, tranquilizers, SSRIs, etc., as research indicates that a combinative program incorporating medication and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a very successful modality.

You may have difficulty keeping things together and find that looking after your family and even performing on your job can prove to be too difficult on some days. In these instances the medicated route may be necessary for 'crisis management'. If you are using any of the benzodiazepines (Ativan, Valium or Librium) make sure it is under expert supervision as there long term use can be addictive and can exasperate your panic and anxiety symptoms if you suddenly stop taking them.

Therapy - The Talking Option

Often, when we are suffering from anxiety we are so trapped in our own world that we can't adequately see ourselves in an objective manner nor be aware of what may be causing our anxiety or the simple little things that we can do to help ourselves.

The major depth psychotherapies that involve deep personal analysis however are not that useful in this instance and you will do better by following the Cognitive-Behavioral route rather than psychoanalysis.

It can be really useful to talk to someone outside ourselves as they can help us to become more aware of what we are doing to make our anxiety worse.

Vitamins, Supplements And Herbal Approaches

These approaches are widely followed from Vitamin B, GABA and St. John's Wort, but there is very little evidence that these really work. Meditation, hot baths etc are likely to have better short-term effects and cost you very little. Most people t don't follow this advice, because their symptoms are so severe they feel they should be doing something. So while it may feel good to be doing something with these OTC (over-the-counter) approaches, the benefits are just not there

The scientific evidence does indicate that these are no better than any placebo effect. So save yourself the money!