Drug treatment for panic and anxiety disorders
Three are three situations in which you should use drug treatment for panic and anxiety disorders Drug treatments are often used or are an auxiliary part to the treatment for panic and anxiety disorders. medical drugs are both helpful or debilitating and dangerous depending for anxiety depending upon how they are used and managed. Medication can be a support and relief to the often debilitating symptoms of the condition. Also, not all drugs will work well for all types of anxiety disorders or in the same way for the for the same conditions nor for all people with the same condition – they are idiopathic. I am not one of these people who are naturally anti the use of medications and think all allopathic treatments are bad. Likewise, you will find that medically prescribed drugs play a role, either a dominant or supportive one, depending on the nature of the anxiety disorder – depending upon how acute it is at a particular stage or for how long it has remained chronic without showing any improvement or movement. Underlying Problem Is Serotonin Responsive A drug regime can be very successful with some anxiety and panic disorders; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or is part of a depression condition. In these instances you are likely to be prescribed a SSRI (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) or SNRI such as Effexor. Beta blockers, though designed primarily for heart conditions, have also proved useful in reducing anxiety levels, and the more traditionally used drugs for this condition are the benzodiazepines, although this is used on a short-term basis as it can lead to drug addiction and dependence. Insomnia And Sleeping Difficulties Anxiety and panic disorders can play havoc with your sleep patterns and your ability to fall asleep. Often people resort to self-medication and other malpractices in a desperate effort to get to sleep. A sort course of professionally managed sleeping intervention (e.g. sleeping tablets, muscle relaxants and tranquilizers). A short course which often does not exceed three weeks allows for good sleep habits to be acclimatized and for you to begin practicing good sleep hygiene methods as a pre-cursor to returning to natural sleep again. As unhappy as you may be about the use of sleeping tablets, if professionally managed, they often are better than in self-medicated approach with OTC Drugs, herbal methods and other such practices. Intransigent And Unresponsive Chronic Anxiety If your anxiety is chronic and has been unresponsive to all your efforts; yoga, relaxation and meditation, thought and mood diary, etc. then it may be time to give it a bit of a ‘boot’ with a medical intervention and consider the use of a SNRI. The research does show that a combination of medication, self-help practices and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has a very good success rate and this may just be what you need to create a break through so your own self-help methods can become effective again. Far from being drug averse you need to consider that the research has shown that when drugs are combined with therapy (provided it is CBT) in the treatment program, the outlook is good. Therapy has a good record of treating people in the long-term, but in the short-term you may need help in coping until they have successfully learned to start the required therapeutic techniques. .

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