Linden Method – An Indepth Look At The Linden Method

Can panic and anxiety attacks really be cured without drugs or costly psychologists?

Our independent review finds out the truth about the Linden Method which claims to be able to cure your panic and anxiety attacks using a simple approach that you can do from the comfort of your own home...

If you have panic attacks, agoraphobia or obsessive compulsive disorder, then life is like living in a trapped cell. Whilst there are many drugs, treatments and "band aids" for these problems, the truth is that they will always be waiting around the corner if you don't manage to knock them down and out of your mind, and life, for good.

But do not despair, because you are not only and you are certainly not going mad. In fact, you are one of 20 million people in the USA alone who suffer with anxiety and/or panic disorder.

In this review, we are looking at one of the most successful methods for overcoming anxiety and panic disorder, and whether it truly does live up to its' claims or not.

Getting rid of anxiety and its related disorders is literally the difference between having no life, no freedom and no enjoyment of your time, to feeling free, feeling confident and truly getting the best out of life. A life which you deserve to live and enjoy just as much as anybody else on Earth.

And if you can do this without having to rely on costly medication that brings side effects and makes you feel out of control, or without having to depend on doctor's prescriptions to just "get by" in life, then wouldn't that be great news?

Well, maybe so, but is this for real? Is this a real chance for you to reclaim your life and your freedom, without anxiety dragging you down at every corner?

We are here to find out, and that's why we decided to put one new system under the spotlight. A system which claims to be able to help you break free from panic and anxiety once and for all...

There are certainly many so called treatments out there. The problem is, most of the treatment either covers up the problem, or basically is designed to "manage" the symptoms...NOT treat and eliminate them.

Many resources are created by current anxiety sufferers. They only offer you help to "cope" the best you can, like the best they can. However, most websites and products (especially online) have no real life experience, credentials and expertise to truly support and guide you to a life free from anxiety.

Furthermore, psychologists and psychiatrists are all well and good when it comes to anxiety problems, but they all generally lack one vital ingredient - real life experience with these problems. Instead, they base all their systems on textbook teachings, which is not always as effective as you might want to believe.

According to Charles Linden (founder of the Linden Method)...

"In the early 1900s two men pioneered research into the true nature of emotion and its relationship to the physical body, symptoms and illness and came up with a number of definitive conclusions. Those men were Carl Lange and William James. These two men's work forms the foundation of modern emotional psychology.

The most important conclusion they came to forms the foundation for our understanding of how emotions are created, and what incredible physical impact thoughts can have on our bodies and health.

Their research concluded that an external catalyst, say a wild bear, is detected by your sensory organs and the body reacts with physical changes (anxiety symptoms) WITHOUT any conscious thoughts or emotions; in other words, the emotion of fear we experience during the anxiety response is physical and not emotional.

To demonstrate what I mean by this, next time you feel anxious, strip away all of the physical sensations you experience and you will find that nothing is left… the physical sensations ARE your experience of emotion!

There's no secret, every single anxiety disorder, panic attack, phobia, OCD & PTSD sufferer on this planet has a condition that is caused and perpetuated by the same single thing; this thing is called the Amygdala, it's a small almond shaped organ in the brain that CONTROLS the physical responses of anxiety (the symptoms you feel), this fact has been known for many years and is common knowledge amongst scientists world over. No matter how bad your symptoms are, no matter how long you have had anxiety disorder, this tiny organ is 100% responsible. IT is the cause of your anxiety; not stress, bereavement or life circumstances they are just the triggers for the anxiety."

The Linden Method targets the Amygdala, in a specific way which is already proving to be very effective.

It basically undoes the changes that have been made in the Amygdala. It erases the anxious reaction that causes your anxiety condition.

And the key thing is that no other therapeutic practice has the same dramatic affect -and this is confirmed by doctors, psychologists and academics around the world.

Furthermore, Charles claims...

"Psychologist analysed my method over Christmas last year; and her conclusion? That The Linden Method was, in fact, THE most powerful therapeutic device she had ever come across. This isn't sales patter, this is hard, scientific truth.

I organized all of the results of all my findings into a simple structure that I could follow every day and it is this method that I developed for myself that began to work immediately.

My anxiety disorder, panic attacks, fears and phobias started to melt away, the depersonalization and de realization went and I stopped taking the medication. I started going out more, socializing, even taking holidays and soon realized that what I had discovered could be applied to any person suffering from a wide range of anxiety related conditions. I went from being housebound to working again within 2 weeks - after nearly eight years of panic attacks and acute anxiety and this is the same experience that my clients tell me about every day."

What is interesting about the Linden Method is that It is written by an ex-anxiety and panic attack sufferer who understands completely how you feel and knows exactly what to do about it. Much of the information is based around simple psychology, but the main program is focused around one particular method which is drastically simple to understand and apply.

It is sympathetic to the things that make an anxiety disorder sufferer feel worse, panicky and constantly full of fear. The method only offers support, understanding and definite solutions

It doesn't smother you with many, many techniques you can try, some that work and some that don't. It simply provides you with one method and doesn't get too involved in trying to be "fancy" or "substantial", at least, it tries not to...(there is a fair amount of material which is lumped on the side to give a sense of value to the product).

Either way, it is written in simple, easy to understand language and the best part is that it doesn't require hours of listening to CDs or doing exercises like other self help programs do.

Ultimately, the Linden Method offers a comprehensive 'holistic' solution, addressing the root of the problem and not just a single element of panic and anxiety.

  • Free support from qualified psychologists, via email and telephone.
  • Resource 1 The Linden Method Video
  • The Linden Method Video- a specially produced feature length video to accompany your manual; This video would normally retail at $40 but is yours FREE for just trying the Linden Method. You can download the video directly to your computer; using easy intructions provided..
  • Resource 2 The Linden Method Audio
  • When you download the Linden Method, you will be given access to SIXTEEN specially produced audio tracks.You will be guided through the Linden Method and shown how to use the most unique and powerful anti-anxiety techniques available anywhere. (Sold separately these tracks are worth $198, but are yours FREE for trying the Linden Method.)
  • Resource 3 FREE Unlimited Counselling For 1 year
  • Stress Free In 30 Days (book)
  • Journey Out of Agrophobia (book)
  • 5 x one hour TV shows detailing exactly what anxiety conditions are, how they are formed, and how to overcome them swiftly
  • Fast track to recovery video
  • Some of the material is nothing new, (such as the yoga techniques) and seems to be thrown in to somehow make up for the simplicity of the system
  • It's not as quick and easy as they make out
  • Internationally acclaimed system which has been proven to work time and time again (among 115,000 happy customers)
  • Wide press coverage and a highly trusted, highly supportive staff
  • Avoids the usual "masking techniques" such as deep breathing and telling yourself to "remember a happy time in your life" junk that other programs waste your time with
  • The fact that it is just ONE method, means it is not overbearing or confusing
  • The Linden Method DOES NOT involve any form of self hypnosis or subliminal messages. The method does not involve any form of religion or belief system, it is a scientific, practical methodology.

If you suffer from any kind of anxiety, agoraphobia, OCD or panic attacks, then this program is made for you. It comes in either digital format (so you can download and get started immediately, as this is cheaper) or both digital and physically mailed to your door.

You will have to be open to the idea of self help, and still be willing to accept that your condition can be cured. It all starts with you, and if you refuse to believe the system will work, then the chances are that you will resist seeing it through to the end.

Most people who use the Linden Method will have tried all the usual routine methods to trying to cover up or mask the symptoms of trigger of anxiety, with little success. Also, people who are sick and tired of relying on medication to get through life will find the Linden Method a welcome escape from such misery and expenses.

It is clear to see that the Linden Method is a cut above the other anxiety help resources out there. Not only is the method based around science, but has been checked and verified by many health professionals to be effective.

The media attention this program has attracted would not be possible without it being effective in the first place, and you can clearly see the huge amount of people just like you and me, who found success with the Linden Method.

Some of the material they package up within the program feels a bit pointless and only gets in the way of the actual method itself however. I do feel that it is on the expensive side, and if they filtered out some of the extra material which you can do without, then the price could and should come down a bit.

But on the other hand, what price can you really put on a life free from anxiety? If you've reached a stage where your life feels out of your control and is being over-run by anxiety, then it's a small price to pay for permanent relief from anxiety once and for all.

Whether you want to be able to travel anywhere without panic, return to being a fulfilling partner, wife, husband, mother or father again, go out there and adventure, save relationships you thought were too damaged by your condition, boost your confidence and social life, or just get a better night's sleep...

...the Linden Method is unquestionably worth your attention. It won't work for everyone, but the success rate does give hope to those of us who have virtually given up and surrendered to this unnecessary mental habit.