OCD Tests
Concerned that you could be suffering from OCD and want an OCD test to check out whether this could be the case?  Or are you driving your partner and friends made with your rituals and little obsessions and they are telling you, you are suffering from OCD and you just want to find if they are right, then an OCD test might be helpful or reassuring.

But Can OCD Tests Be Trusted?

OCD Tests, in themselves, don’t make any diagnosis.  This is best left to a professional, especially one who sees a number of clients, as they are better able to contextualize symptoms and prognosis.  An OCD Test however will give you a useful guideline as to whether you should take your difficulties further or whether they are merely a characteristic of your personality.

What Is In An OCD Test?

OCD Tests usual state the symptoms of the disorder in a question form and count, either weighted or unweighted, the occurence and frequency of the symptoms.  Based upon this or some scale the test indicates whether the disorder can be considered to be present.  Some of the test are reasonable and some are nonsense.  That is the difficulty and why professional assistance for a diagnosis sought be sought.  But OCD Tests do help you to decided whether you should spend the money on a professional visit or you can seek the opinion of support groups or fellow suffers to help you with your problem identification journey.

OCD Test

(extracted from the University of Hamburg Obsession-Compulsion Inventory Screening Form to help you) Circle True or False for each answer. 1. Do you wash your hands after you feel you have come to close to an animal or dirty object? True False 2. Do you reposition tablecloths or rugs because you think they are not exactly right? True False 3. Are there days when you have to think about certain words or images so much that you are unable to do anything else? True False 4. Is it often impossible for you to stop repeating (if only to yourself) a sentence already spoken? True False 5. During the day do you think several times about work you have already finished? True False 6. Do you find that you cannot stop counting during certain activities? True False 7. Do you sometimes try to distract yourself from a thought about your partner doing something he or she would not want you to know about? True False 8. Are there any activities you cannot finish before having counted to a certain number? True False 9.Do you sometimes consciously distract yourself from the thought of hurting or killing yourself? True False 10. During the course of the day, do you often remember a certain word, picture, or sentence? True False 11. Do you check the cleanliness of public seats, such as those in buses or taxis, before you sit down? True or False 12. Do you sometimes repeat aloud what has been already spoken, although you try to prevent yourself from doing it? True False 13. Having left your home, do you constantly have to think about whether everything is in order there? True False 14. Before starting to dress, do you think about exactly how to do it? True False 15. Did you ever find yourself counting things for no reason? True False 16. Was there ever a day when you could not think about anything else except hurting or killing yourself? True False 17. Do you wash your hands after reading the newspaper? True False 18. Did you ever notice that you touch things several times before or after you have used them? True False 19. Have you ever touched switches on electric devices several times and counted despite trying not to? True False 20. Do you check books or magazines for dog-ears and straighten them immediately? True False 21. Do you fold newspapers back to the original way after reading them? True False 22. Does the thought often occur to you that you might get sick or go blind or crazy? True False 23. Are there days when you can think only about hurting or killing someone? True False 24. After going to bed, do you get up again to check all electrical devices? True False 25. Does counting the number of times you touch switches of electrical devices interfere with your everyday activities? True False 26. Do you rearrange objects on your desk, in your cupboard, or other places repeatedly, even though nothing’s been touched since you last arranged them? True False 27. Do you check the return address immediately before you mail a letter? True False SCORING A. Calculate the total number of answers circled True for questions 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16,22,23. These are obsessions. If the total number of true answers circled for these questions is 1 or 2: You probably do not have clinically significant obsessions. 3,4,5, or 6: You probably have obsessions that are clinically significant. 7-14: You definitely have obsessions that are clinically significant. B. Calculate the total number of answers circled true for questions 1,2,11,12,17,18,19,20,21,24,25,26,and 27. These are compulsions. If the total number of true answers circled for these questions is 1,2,or3: You probably do not have clinically significant compulsions. 4,5,6,or 7: You probably have clinically significant compulsions. 8-13: You definitely have compulsions that are clinically significant. Source: Dr. Iver Hand and Dr Rudiger Plepsch, University of Hamburg, Germany. If you want further information on OCD, please contact the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation National Headquarters, P.O. Box 70, Milford, Ct. 06460, a non-profit organization, at (203) 878-5669; Fax (203)874-2826.

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